Get used to me my baby
As I'm already used to
sleep with you at night
Like this every night, for a year
Get used to the long hugs
for body to body contact
Get used to me every moment
So tight and close and crowded
get used to it
mom's life,
Mom no longer hears the noises
of those who ask
Why is he in the hands again?
And why in a carrier
'You make crap habits'
get used to it
that when you need me
I'll show up in a second
to comfort, to soothe
quieten the one that was
get used to it
My love,
After all, everything will pass in a moment
And you will want me by your side
in a way that is mature and different and different
Then with myself I will look back
I will embrace the moments
that we were together
deep in the 'habits'
Get used to me - Roital Algor