There are many carriers in the baby market today, it is important to choose a carrier that suits you and the baby in the best way.
First, note that the carrier maintains the baby's physiological position:
A naturally rounded C-shaped back and M-shaped legs and buttocks (rather than drooping and straight).
In the first months of the baby, the main recommendation of the doctors and development assistants in the field is a fabric carrier such as the Lamer carrier (Lamer, Lamer, Lamer,)
The fabric carrier maintains the physiological position of the baby, makes the baby close to the parent/wearer (without any buffer between them), when the baby feels the body heat and heartbeat of the parent
Which helps him to let go and relax.
in a cloth carrier The baby literally puts his head on the parent and the cloth covers the whole thing
thus keeping him close to the parent's chest.
the cloth carrier Makes it possible to maintain the fetal position of the baby, thus allowing him to completely relax his muscles, relax and fall asleep.
The baby really feels like in the mother's womb - while moving and walking with the baby in the carrier, the baby experiences compassionate experiences (movement, heat, hears the heartbeat) which helps him a lot during gas attacks and digestive problems that are usually common in babies aged 0-4 months and thus the baby relaxes and fell asleep.
Hence, in the younger months (up to the age of at least six months), a fabric carrier is much better than a (hard) backpack carrier.
The absolute closeness of the baby to the parent when carried in a cloth carrier allows the baby to feel comfortable, let go and fall asleep easily, therefore many parents use and are helped by a cloth carrier when the baby suffers from digestive problems such as gas, reflux and also during teething which is known to be very painful for them.
A (hard) satchel carrier such as Baby Bjorn, Argo, Chico and others does not replace the fabric carrier in the baby's younger months and is more suitable for a later age (over six months old).
There are many fabric carriers such as: Lamer - fabric carrier without ties , long fabric carrier such as Milga, Mobi Wrap, Urban Baby Wrap and more.
It is important to purchase the cloth carrier that suits you best, to note that it is easy to wear so that it will be the most pleasant and comfortable for you during the sweet and challenging New Born period.